Sunday 23 January 2011

From free cinema to the British New wave.

The silent Period: 1895-1929
early british films
quality of the fillms
the setting
the American competition
the Gainsbourough films
Hitchcock and G
Hitchcock without G
Anthony Asquith
German influence
New film societies in London
The Quota Act 1927
The early sound period: 1930-1939
first sound film
A new way to make a film
1930's tensions
the average picture show (newsreels)
production basis
some stars
Alexander Korda
Korda's revelation star
Rank's revelation film director
documentary movement
first doc on herring fishing
Battleship Potemkin
Grierson's revelation stars
Propaganda vs art
National interest in cinema
The "avant-gardist" cinema
Film tracts
The war years: 1940-1945
The war years leading to national awareness
Some productions of the period
patriotic feelings
Humphrey Jennings of the documentary school
Case study: Fires were started
story= period of the Blitz
The postwar years: 1945-1951
Productive postwar years+ influence of British cinema
New policies (sort of protectionism)
classics' adaptation
political thrillers
the Archers Company
political allegories with comedies
Ealing studies=> new genres developped
The basis of these comedies
Another genre: social problem films
Case study: Brief encounter (1946)
woman's films
social observation
an object of art
comic relief

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